Anyone Interested in a Virtual Yin Yoga Class Today?

Good morning, Patrons! 

So last night, about 15 of us met on Skype for what I will probably call a ‘Virtual Circle’ going forward. 

I think it went pretty well, considering none of us had used Skype before, and we didn’t know what we were doing. We mostly spoke about the effects of the Pandemic and the different ways we can view such an event, spiritually. Also, I learned a few things that I will do differently in the future, which is super valuable.  

Last night was my first ‘experiment’ with teaching online beyond what I have been doing here on Patron, which is mostly sharing recordings of previously recorded classes. Last night was live, and I want to thank all of you who took part as this is how we learn what works and where the challenges in using this technology lie. 

Today I would like to try another experiment, a virtual Yin Yoga class. All I need to do is find the best time to do it. If you would like to take part, please vote in this poll!

Like yesterday, this will be a free donation-based event. 

Jai Bhagwan!

-Douglas Johnson

Sounds of Summer - A Yoga Retreat

July 19th-21st