Kirtan Is a Practice, Not Entertainment

Last week I shared with you the Bhajan (devotional song) I wrote around the mantra ‘Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.’ In the post I asked you to sing along and not just listen to the words, and there is a good reason I asked you to do this. 

Listening to music itself is therapeutic, this is no longer debatable. It is being used as medicine in our modern medical system, just as it was in the most ancient of human cultures that we are aware of. However, when we open our mouths to sing, we add more benefit, and if we sing with others we benefit even more.

Right now singing in a group is a difficult predicament. Singing outside can make one feel isolated, even if you are in a group, as the sound tends to dissapate without walls for the sound to bounce off of. And singing indoors in a group is not something we will likely be doing anytime soon. 

So I will continue to try to create videos and music that you can sing along with so you can continue to do your practice and have access to this much needed medicine. 

Jai Bhagwan!

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

Sounds of Summer - A Yoga Retreat

July 19th-21st