Kirtan: Maha Lakshmi Jay Jay Ma from 10/31/2018

Here is a Kirtan we did on Halloween during our first ever Kundalini Intensive. Kirtan is a form of Bhakti Yoga or the yoga of devotion, faith, emotion and the heart. Bhakti practices include singing, dancing, poetry and any art that is done in service of the divine.

I had written this Bhajan shortly before the retreat so it was the first time I performed it with a group. I hope you enjoy it!

We actually have a kirtan coming up at Evolation Yoga in Midtown. For more information you can view the event on Facebook or on the Mahāpatha Yoga Website. I hope to see you there!

Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP 

*Photo By Rebecca Bonno*

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Feb 21-23, 2025