Tentative Calendar for 2019 Retreats

I have had a lot of people asking about my upcoming retreats. So here is what I have planned for 2019 so far:

WINTER (meditation focus)

  • January Zen Meditation Immersion – January 18th – 20th
  • March Zen Meditation Immersion – March 1st – 3rd

SPRING (kundalini focus)

  • Awakening The Serpent Power: A Kundalini Tantra Immersion – May 2nd – 5th

SUMMER (bhakti focus)

  • Bhakti, Bhoga & Bliss: An Exploration of the Yogic Path of Love & Devotion – July 26th – 28th

FALL (harvesting/reviewing/deepening of practices)

  • Kundalini Intensive – November 5th – 6th
  • Meditation Intensive – November 6th – 7th
  • Bhakti Break – November 7th – 8th
  • Yoga Intensive – November 8th – 10th

You will notice that I have organized the kind of work we will do by the season. This was done to try to maximize the effect that seasonal changes have on our Prana, or Qi. A great way to work with this calendar is to simply do the retreats in the order they are presented. 

If you are not able to attend all these retreats then I recommend attending a retreat you have not done before. For instance, if you have been doing the Meditation Immersions with me for a few years now but have not done Awakening the Serpent Power (ASP) then you might do that retreat instead of repeating another Meditation Immersion. 

The “add on” days in November before the weekend Yoga Intensive are also designed to allow you to stretch yourself and step outside of your comfort zone, especially if you have done the Yoga Intensive in the past. These extra days can also function as a recharge and deepening of practices you learned earlier during another retreat. And finally they can be used as a sort of “make up” if there was a retreat you wanted to attend earlier in the year but could not. 

If you are new to doing retreat with me, starting with one of the Winter Meditation Immersion Weekends or with the November Yoga Intensive is a very good place to start. 

If you have any questions about the calendar or upcoming retreats feel free to ask.

Jai Bhagwan,

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

Register Now! Winter Warmer Meditation Retreat

Feb 21-23, 2025