Good afternoon, Sangha!

As I think you’ve heard me say in the past, there is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in everything. So while there have been hardships, deaths, and setbacks because of the pandemic, there have also been doors opened and shifts made that long-term may just be what we need to continue to share this planet with other species and one another. 

One of the joys of these past weeks has been finding ways that I could help support you and experiencing all the love and support I got in return. Knowing that I could offer teaching free-of-charge to those who may need it but can’t afford it and that I could count on you to help keep me afloat has been amazing. 

So tonight I’d love to invite you to my virtual birthday party. My birthday is tomorrow, May 4th, but I thought tonight would be the perfect time to gather as a community and share. So meet me at 8p and let’s hang out. All the details are below. And yes, you will need to download Zoom if you haven’t already. I can answer questions; we can share our experience of the last few weeks and our vision for the future.

There is no one I would rather spend my birthday with than my Sangha or spiritual community.

Hope to see you at 8p! 

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP  

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Half-Day Retreat - Yoga, Kirtan & Community

Sun, Oct 20th