YIN YOGA: Pendulum Sequence for Hips – 10/21/20

Here is a Yin Yoga sequence I created for the hips I call the ‘Pendulum.’ It can be done with or without props and includes the Dragon pose for the hip extension, 1/2 Butterfly pose for hip flexions, Kickstand for hip abduction, Shoelace pose for hip adduction, Sleeping Swan pose for external rotation of the hip, and 1/2 Saddle pose for internal rotation.

Yin is a yoga style that uses time and gravity instead of muscular effort to stretch the muscles and exercise the joints to help keep the hips and spine healthy and strong throughout our lives.

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Thank you! 

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

Sounds of Summer - A Yoga Retreat

July 19th-21st