Maha Mantra from 2017 Fall Intensive

Maha means “great” and a mantra is a subtle vibratory formula that is thought, sung or spoken and has a transformative effect on consciousness or awareness. The Maha Mantra combines the names of Rama and Krishna, two of the best known and most loved avatars of lord Vishnu ‘The Sustainer in one chant thus making it exceptionally powerful. 

This version of the chant was written by yours truly and recorded at the 2017 Mahāpatha Yoga Fall Intensive, and annual gathering of the Mahāpatha Yoga community to support one another in deep spiritual practice. The recording is not high quality but hopefully the joy and energy that we felt in the room together comes though. I hope you enjoy it. 

Jai Bhagwan

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

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Feb 21-23, 2025