November is Coming…

Good afternoon Mahāpatha Yogins. I wanted to let you know that with Awakening the Serpent Power – or A.S.P. for short – behind me I’ve turned my attention to this year’s November Retreat offerings. A.S.P. was our most ‘advanced’ retreat to date, and it was apparent over that weekend that our little spiritual community is growing, if not in numbers than in maturity and depth. The focus and discipline of all who were in attendance were impressive and downright inspirational

As a result, I know many of you are ready to dive even deeper into your spiritual practices, and I want to continue to find ways to make these practices available to anyone who is prepared for them. To this end Evie, Sandy and I had a conference call on Friday to try to see if we could once again expand this year’s offerings in November.

Anyway, I know many of you have busy schedules and need to plan ahead, so I wanted to give you a heads-up on the dates and intention for this November. Here is what I have in mind:

The idea is that for those of you who are ready, have the time, and can afford it you can attend all three of retreats back-to-back for a total of four nights on the mountain with our community. For those of you who are not quite ready to dive so deep into energetic practices, meditation, or have conflicting plans, you will have the option to participate in one or two of the offerings without doing all three. 

Pricing, registration and more information are coming soon. If finances end up truly being a barrier for you attending please contact me and we will explore your situation and options for making it possible for you to attend. 

Jai Bhagwan,

Douglas Johnson E-RYT, 500 YACEP

Register Now! Winter Warmer Meditation Retreat

Feb 21-23, 2025