Dharma Talk – Everyone is Doing The Best They Can

This talk is about how for the most part, humans always do the best that they can. While we may be tempted to look at others and judge them, this is generally not helpful for ourselves or them. There are unique challenges in every human life, and these are not always apparent from the outside.

So whether it’s a millionaire playboy who we think should be doing more for the environment or a drug addict who we think should get clean, we can assume they are actually doing the best they can, given their unique upbringing, genetics, and life circumstances. Adopting this view will give us more peace and joy and may actually help us help others “do better” in the long run.

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Thank you!

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

Register Now! Winter Warmer Meditation Retreat

Feb 21-23, 2025