Echos of The Past – Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu

Here is a short clip one of our Sangha members (Ariela) just shared with me, and it almost made me cry.

It’s a recording she made, through the door, of my 6p Vinyasa class at Nirvana Yoga chanting while she was waiting for my Yin class to start. If you have attended one of my classes in the last few years, this should be a song very familiar to you!

While I can sing here at home, I can’t make this particular sound without YOU, dear Sangha. And so this is a sound we will likely not hear for quite some time. 

I feel so much gratitude for the times we have gotten to spend in person together and pray that we will all get to spend many more together someday soon. 

Jai Bhagwan!

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

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Feb 21-23, 2025